Our Members: The Producers of Knowledge in the Region of Düsseldorf

The association of the Wissensregion Düsseldorf aims at bringing together important knowledge users and producers in the region of Düsseldorf and at promoting exchange, cooperation and projects between its members. Besides this fundamental idea of cooperation, assuring the quality of the initiated work plays a vital role.

The logos of the association’s current members

These are the members of the “Verein zur Förderung der Wissensregion Düsseldorf e.V.“

Generally, legal entities that contribute to the knowledge location of Düsseldorf, Neuss and Mettmann can join the association. Interested institutions would have to submit a membership application of which the majority of the board needs to approve. If you would like to increase your institution’s opportunities, visibility and competitiveness by becoming a member of our network, we will be happy to discuss the details with you.

Photo credit: Oliver Tjaden

Knowledge Region of Düsseldorf