About us

The association “Verein zur Förderung der Wissensregion Düsseldorf e.V.“ is entered under number 11600 in the register of associations at Düsseldorf local court. Its members comprise academic as well as dual education providers, companies and institutions of culture and art. It is jointly represented by the board’s chairwoman, Prof. Dr. Edeltraud Vomberg, and its deputy chairwoman, Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbeck. The management is held by Dr. Kai de Weldige who works with his team at the association’s office that is centrally located at the Schadowplatz in Düsseldorf.

The founding members of the association “Verein zur Förderung der Wissensregion Düsseldorf e. V.“ (Photo: Wilfried Meyer)

We believe in the power of networking, knowledge and education, in the region’s qualities as well as in innovation and creativity. We want to enable young people to make the most of their potentials and strive for convincing, practical-oriented project work through which we grow together. You can find out more about who we are and what we do on the next pages. You can also get to know our board and management and read more about our 22 members.

Photo credit: Oliver Tjaden

Knowledge Region of Düsseldorf